Real World Expertise
Consulting Professionals


Please review the privacy information below.

In this technologically advance time privacy has come under fire. We at Chaos Consulting understand this and take client privacy very seriously. We understand that the nature of the product we offer is sensitive as well as the process our specialists and clients undergo to arrive at the final product.

The first step in our privacy process for the client is a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement. This NDA (contractual obligation) specifically details that we as a company WILL NOT disclose any aspect of the discussions, planning process and final product involved in the clients disaster plan. This is a critical piece of our privacy process. In the military this concept is called Operational Security or OPSEC. We strongly believe that nobody outside of the process needs to know what you are planning for, what your resources / skill level are like, or what is the status of your disaster preparedness. For example, there is no need for your neighbor to know that you have a 3 month supply of food for yourself or your family. In the event of a disaster this could make you a target.

The second step of our privacy process is that all our Specialists undergo a background check. This process is to ensure that as a company we are sending reputable individuals out to your home. We understand that the planning process is a very intimate process and we absolutely understand and respect the fact that you are opening your house and lives to us.

The third step is any information retained by the company for future purposes will be explicitly spelled out in clear language and clearly understood by the client. This is included in the contracting process for our services. An example of why we would retain information would be keeping a copy of our recommendations / plan for future consultations, altering an existing plan or as a backup to the original plan. Any electronic data retained will be encrypted. We will not retain any electronic payment information and we will not sell your e-mail address to anyone.

Finally, our Specialists will arrive at your home in a normal vehicle with no decals. This is to minimize your exposure in the community. However, our Specialists will be wearing clothing with the company logo in order for the client to identify them. We also want to present ourselves as professionals as this is something we are passionate and serious about.

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Years of Experience